Our Fond Farewell
Shushma, Sonu, Meera...the Ladies of Stupa Guest House It's 10:52 AM Tuesday November 28 (10:22 PM Monday night at home) here at Stupa Guest House/Sherabling, and I'm writing our final blog post for this visit. It'll be mostly Nancy's haiku, and a few of my musings as usual. Again, we're sad to be leaving this place, which, as I said to Nancy yesterday, is a lot better than feeling as though we can't wait to leave. We're not eager to be in the current madness of the larger world including America, and yet we know we must be. At least for now. Our conversations about next year have included the possibility of staying here for three months instead of two, assuming we remain able, and willing, to make the journey again. As I've already written about, this year's travel was the hardest so far. It took more energy, and it took longer than usual to land, to be here, to adjust, to settle. By next year we might need the entire first month just to accomplish ...